⭐ Our annual flagship research on secrets in public GitHub "The State of Secrets Sprawl 2025" is live!


⭐ Our annual flagship research on secrets in public GitHub "The State of Secrets Sprawl 2025" is live!

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Check out how the GitGuardian Platform compares to the secret scanning capabilities of Cycode.

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Before we had GitGuardian we were "blind." We had no detections, which was very bad. We were using another product on GitHub, similar to GitGuardian, but it was not really as good as GitGuardian. The graphical interface and the detail GitGuardian gives you are really amazing. And there are fewer false positives than any other platform. We are able to notify developers of issues on the spot and tell them, "You have exposed a secret." It is absolutely brilliant.

Abbas Haidar, Head of InfoSec at a tech services, company with 51-200 employees.

Meet the contenders

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Meet GitGuardian

GitGuardian is the code security platform for the DevOps generation that offers automated Secrets Detection and Honeytoken capabilities, facilitating a Secure Software Development Lifecycle for Dev, Sec, and Ops teams.



Cycode is a software supply chain security solution that provides visibility, security, and integrity across all phases of the SDLC.

GitGuardian vs.  
The short version

GitGuardian is suitable for you if:

++ You want an open and transparent platform that allows you to test and run the product with ease. You want to sign up for free to experience the power of the platform for yourself.

++ You are looking for a reliable secrets detection engine supporting %ndet%+ specific, generic, and custom patterns – providing high accuracy and recall. You need a detection engine that performs secret validity checks and contextual code analysis to filter out false positives.

++ You need an enterprise-first platform that offers scalable and robust secrets detection and remediation, as well as enterprise features and continuous support and customization.

  is suitable for you if:

++ You're looking for a platform with a wider range of capabilities and prioritize breadth over depth.

++ The ability to support multiple Infrastructure-as-Code security policies across AWS, Azure, and GCP is a key priority.

-- No strong need for remediation workflow automation and support to bring dev and sec teams together.

GitGuardian vs.  
The long version

Core detection capabilities

Regular expressions to match known, distinct patterns

%ndet%+ types of specific and generic secrets supported with high accuracy level.

✅ Checks the validity of %nvck%+ types of exposed secrets.

⚠️ Have far fewer detectors for secrets. ⚠️ Can check the validity of Keys only. ❌ Not able to detect real time intrusion in your software supply chain.

Regular expressions result in fewer false alerts. Additionally, known patterns make it simpler to verify if the secret is true or false or whether this is a test or example key.

Learn more about how GitGuardian detects secrets.

High entropy checks to match credentials without distinct patterns and enter “paranoid” mode

++ Yes, based on the combination of entropy checks and contextual analysis of the presumed secret (pre/post-filters).

++ GitGuardian currently supports %ngdet%+ types of generic secrets.

✅ Yes. ✅ Post-validation through ML

In order to capture a considerably wider variety of secret types, high entropy should be employed.

Learn more about how GitGuardian detects secrets.

Custom patterns

++ Yes, supported with the use of regular expressions (in SaaS/Self-hosted versions).

✅ Yes, but need to utilize a knowledge graph.

To find company-specific secrets that are not picked up by the default patterns, you should be able to define your own patterns.

Learn how to create custom detectors.

Detector activation/deactivation

++ Detectors can be individually activated/deactivated from the UI, in the workspace settings.

✅ Yes.

We recommend keeping all detectors active to avoid missing any hardcoded secrets.

Learn how to configure GitGuardian’s detectors.

Sensitive file names

++ 22 file names raise policy break alerts.

✅ Yes, but fewer.

There is a very lengthy list of extensions that potentially hold secrets due to the numerous programming languages, frameworks, and coding standards that are used globally.

Learn which file types contain sensitive information.

Sensitive file extensions

++ 14 extensions raise policy break alerts.

✅ Yes, but fewer.

Secrets are frequently discovered in file extensions together with environment variables and configuration data. Learn more.

Filepath exclusions

++ Yes, excluding paths is possible through the UI. GitGuardian recommends a set of exclusions (e.g. test directories) and enables users to test filepaths against the active exclusion list.

✅ Yes, can exclude.

The ability to reduce the number of incidents and concentrate solely on those that matter most is critical to scaling your secrets detection and remediation program.

Scanning multiple sources

Code repositories

++ Secrets scanning is possible for local Git repositories or repositories managed through GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, Azure DevOps, and Bitbucket Server/Data Center.

✅ Yes; they do AWS code commit; Bitbucket cloud; GCP Cloud source.

Your repositories contain secrets and sensitive data, such as user passwords or other security flaws, making it possible for anybody with access to the image to obtain that secret and perhaps exploit it to gain access to other systems.

Learn more on why secrets inside Git are a problem

Docker images

++ Yes, Docker images can be scanned with the GitGuardian CLI, ggshield, using a specific command. The Dockerfile, build arguments, and the image's layers' filesystem are scanned for secrets.

✅ Yes.

Your Docker image can wind up containing a private SSH key, an AWS access token, or a password.

Learn more about the secrets we found on Docker Hub.


🟠 The GitGuardian REST API and CLI, ggshield, support scanning all types of text input for secrets. GitGuardian can provide wrappers (code snippets) to extract and load data from observability tools or CI/CD logs.

✅ Yes.

Sensitive data may unintentionally leak from your server logs when services unintentionally output sensitive data.

Other sources

++ Yes, we are currently supporting the scan of %external sources scanned for secrets%.

✅ Yes, they scan Slack, Jira, and S3 buckets.

Sensitive data may unintentionally be leaked in other productivity tools used by developers.

Monitoring perimeter

GitHub Enterprise
Instance level

++ Yes

✅ Yes.

GitHub Enterprise
Organization level

++ Yes, native GitHub App at the organization level (one-click integration).

✅ Yes.

Repository level

++ Yes, upon integration of a GitHub Enterprise organization, admins can choose to - give access to select repositories - provide access to all repositories (present and future repositories).

✅ Yes.

Organization or Repository level

++ Yes, native GitHub App available. Admins can:
- give access to select repositories
- give access to all repositories (present and future repositories).

✅ Yes.

Instance level

++ Yes, a native integration is available. GitGuardian needs a Personal Access Token with an Admin scope.

✅ Yes.

Project or Repository level

++ Yes, a native integration is available. GitGuardian needs a Personal Access Token with an Admin scope to establish a webhook with the VCS for historical and real-time scanning.

✅ Yes.

Bitbucket Server/Data Center
Instance level

++ Yes, a native integration is available. GitGuardian needs a Personal Access Token with an Admin scope to set up a webhook with the VCS for historical and real-time scanning.

✅ Yes.

Bitbucket Server/Data Center
Project level

++ Yes, a native integration is available. GitGuardian needs a Personal Access Token with an Admin scope to set up a webhook with the VCS for historical and real-time scanning.

✅ Yes.

Azure DevOps (Repos)
Instance level

++ Yes, a native integration is available. GitGuardian needs a Personal Access Token with an Admin scope to set up a webhook with the VCS.

✅ Yes.

Azure DevOps (Repos)
Project or Repository level

++ Yes, a native integration is available. GitGuardian needs a Personal Access Token with an Admin scope to set up a webhook with the VCS.

Secure the SDLC and more

Historical scans

++ Yes, full repository history scan can be launched on-demand. Scanning is performed across all branches and for the entire history up to the initial commit.

✅ Yes, a full historical scan is possible.

Hardcoded secrets can hide deep in the commit history across various branches, not only the latest revision of the code.


++ Yes, supported through the GitGuardian CLI, ggshield.

✅ Yes.

Pre-commit hooks put the onus on developers to keep their code free from secrets before contributing to the team’s codebase. The cost of remediation at this stage is low. Learn how to set up a pre-commit hook with GitGuardian.


++ Yes, supported through the GitGuardian CLI, ggshield.

✅ Yes.

Pre-push hooks put the onus on developers to keep their code free from secrets before contributing to the team’s codebase.


++ Yes, supported through the GitGuardian CLI, ggshield.

In addition, a 'break-glass' option is provided to avoid blocking developer workflow in case test credentials or false positives are raised.

✅ Yes.

Pre-receive hooks are the most effective tool to prevent secrets from reaching your codebase.


✅ Yes, supported with the native VCS integrations (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket and Azure DevOps). Historical and continuous protection.

✅ Yes.

CI environment

++ Yes, the GitGuardian CLI, ggshield, runs natively with 8 different providers in total: GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, Bitbucket pipelines, Azure pipelines, Jenkins CI, CircleCI, Drone CI, and Travis CI.

✅ Yes.

It is important to raise awareness around the problem of hardcoded secrets and align Dev, Sec, and Ops with Automated Security Testing (AST) in pipelines.

Learn how to use GitGuardian's secrets detection in your CI workflows.

Pull requests (check runs)
& commit status checks

++ In GitHub, secrets scanning check runs can be triggered on pull requests on repositories monitored by GitGuardian. The behavior can be configured to block merging PRs containing secrets.

✅ Yes.

Pull request or merge request scanning brings secrets detection to environments developers are familiar with, such as the GitHub or GitLab UI.

Enriched UI and centralization of incidents

Rich UI with all data needed for investigation and remediation

++ Unified view of incidents across all monitored sources found via the native VCS integrations.

✅ Yes, ASPM Marketplace with all violations via ConnectorX (an open, click and connect ASPM capability)

It facilitates the collection of relevant data for big-picture analysis.

Security team view
(global view)

++ Rich UI/centralized dashboard for Security and Incident Response teams.

✅ Yes.

To accurately assess the code security posture of an enterprise, security professionals require visibility across complex, sprawling environments.

Developer/Engineering view (local view)

++ Developers can get access to incidents via the GitGuardian UI, with a scoped view on incidents shared with them.

++ An external page can be generated for the developers to view individual incident details, fill out a feedback form and possibly remediate the incident on their own with our advice.

❌ No they don't provide a public link you have to be onboarded into their platform.

Developers can view and handle their incidents most effectively with the help of intuitive dashboards.

Incident Lifecycle Management

Incident data

✅ In addition to data such as the commit sha, date, author, secrets type, location (repository, file name, line) and validity, GitGuardian provides contextual tags such as "from a historical scan", "sensitive file", "test file", "exposed publicly", "leaked publicly", "regression", "default branch", etc. 

✅ Yes.

Incident data helps you in prioritizing and investigating incidents better by giving additional context.

Automated Severity Scoring

++ GitGuardian scores the severity of incidents: "Low", "Medium", "High" or "Critical" following default rules or user-defined rules.

✅ Yes.

Severity scoring will assist in identifying and prioritizing issues for quicker resolution.

Validity and presence checks

++ For certain secrets, GitGuardian can perform non-intrusive checks to verify their validity. When revoked, secrets will be marked as no longer valid, effectively providing proof of remediation.

++ GitGuardian can also verify the presence of the secrets in the commits and provide proof of deletion after all evidence of the secret is removed.

✅ Validity checks ❌ Information on presence checks is not publicly available.

Users should be able to check the validity of each incident and determine whether the leaked secret is still present or has been entirely erased from the commit history. Learn how to verify if an exposed secret was removed from the commit history.

Occurrence grouping

++ GitGuardian groups all occurrences of the same secret leak across files, repositories, and organizations.

✅ Yes.

You can lessen alert fatigue. There is no need to triage/resolve each and every occurrence separately.

Incidents status management

++ Incident handling with "Triggered", "Assigned", "Resolved" and "Ignored" statuses. Two outcomes are possible: incidents can be resolved or ignored.

✅ Yes.

This will assist organizations in swiftly identifying incidents and mitigating their negative impact.

Incident assignment

++ Incidents can be assigned to a team member (a security engineer or a developer) to handle the incident.

✅ Yes.

Defining incident assignees makes sure that the incident gets a timely and appropriate response.

Remediation guidelines

++ Default remediation guidelines and recommendations are displayed in the UI. The guidelines can also be customized.

❌ No.

You have some remediation guidelines by default. But as each organization has its own context and remediation policies, you will have the ability to customize the remediation guidelines.

Learn how to create custom remediation guidelines.

Automation and playbooks

++ Incident remediation playbooks like sharing incidents with involved developers, collecting feedback, and closing incidents when they are re-checked as invalid can be automated.

⚠️ Yes, they have orchestration workflows, but dont really collect feedback.

The time savings, particularly at the enterprise scale, can be significant. Playbooks keep your teams productive and focused!

Learn more about how to prioritize, investigate and remediate hardcoded secrets incidents at scale.

Incident timeline

++ A detailed timeline is provided with an extensive activity log of all performed events (status changes, feedback notes, access sharing, and much more).

✅ Yes, a developer audit trail exists.

Timelines help security teams keep track of all of the actions performed on the incident.

Collaboration with developers

++ Developers can get access to incidents via:
• GitGuardian workspace, scoped view on incidents shared with them;
• A link to an external page can be generated for the developers to view individual incident details, fill a feedback form and possibly remediate the incident on their own.

⚠️ Yes, but no public link. Developers need to be onboarded onto the platform.

Because developers are key to taming secrets sprawl, AppSec teams must provide them with instant access to and ownership of their hardcoded secrets incidents.

Learn how to bring Dev, Sec, and Ops together for tackling secret sprawl.

Whitelisting options

++ Yes. When ignoring incidents, it is possible to flag findings as false positives, low-risk credentials, or test credentials.

✅ Yes.

Pull request or merge request scanning brings secrets detection to environments developers are familiar with, such as the GitHub or GitLab UI.

Regression behavior

++ New occurrences of a resolved incident can be configured to re-open the incident and trigger new alerts or deliver silent notifications.

? Unknown

If new secrets were added or rotated secrets broke existing app functionality, you need to reopen the incident.


Real-time alerting

++ Yes

✅ Yes.

Serious incidents are immediately identified. Alerts may be directed to the right developers more rapidly for remediation.

Email alerts

++ Yes, to prevent alert fatigue, only one email is sent for multiple occurrences of the same incident.

✅ Yes you can configure alerting tools for this.

The problem of secret leaks has developers at the forefront. It is crucial to notify the developer in charge of the incident via their commit email.

Learn what's included in GitGuardian email alerts.

Integration with most common SIEMs or ITSMs like %third parties with gg notifications integration%

++ Yes

✅ Yes.

Teams, processes, and tools should be integrated to increase efficiency and effectiveness for all users by ensuring that alerts are received at the appropriate time and location and that no alert is missed.

Integration with ticketing systems like Jira or messaging apps like Slack

++ Yes

✅ Yes.

By integrating your code security platform and ticketing/messaging tool, you can address critical incidents and expedite remediation.

Event-driven generic webhooks

++ Yes

Stay in the know with event-driven alerts when new incidents are raised or when actions are performed on open incidents.

Reporting & Analytics


++ Yes, enriched analytics to assess security posture over time and remediation performance.

✅ Yes.

Analytics help you assess security posture over time, and remediation performance.

Data exports

++ All data is exportable in .csv (including historical incidents) or in JSON format using the REST API.

✅ Yes.

Your Dev can review the incident data and filter it further based on their needs.

Enterprise support


++ SaaS & On-premises (self-hosted)

✅ SaaS & On-premises

SaaS is less expensive and easier to scale, while on-premises offers more visibility.

See how an enterprise customer deployed a secrets detection program.


++ Yes, fully compatible with any SAML 2.0 provider.

✅ Yes.

Because users only log in once per day and utilize a single set of credentials, it decreases the number of attack surfaces.

See the setup procedures for different IdPs.

Roles Based Access Control (RBAC) & Team management

++ Yes, the available roles "Workspace Owner", "Manager" (admin), "Member" and "Restricted" are designed for fine-grained access control down to the occurrence level. Teams management available.

✅ Yes.

It's a wonderful approach to bring in every developer, scale up incident remediation, and deal with orphan incidents.

Learn how RBAC can help fix hardcoded credentials faster.

Audit logs

++ Detailed activity logs of all actions triggered on the dashboard or through the REST API.

✅ Yes.

Audit logs include precise historical data that can be used to retrace an incident's timeline.

See how to access Gitguardian audit logs.


++ GitGuardian’s public REST API can be used to realize all sorts of actions on your workspace and incidents (retrieve, assign, update status, and share secrets incidents, and more).

✅ Yes.

This API provides you with access to all of the incident data, including tasks.

Enterprise support & onboarding

++ A dedicated team of Solutions and DevOps Engineers will be made available to help you rollout secrets detection and remediation for your organization (included in the licensing model, at no additional cost).

✅ Yes.

In order to use a product effectively, a solid onboarding program aids in your ability to comprehend and experience the value it offers.

It is always advantageous to have support professionals who are completely committed to fixing any technical issues you may encounter.

Read more in-depth articles on GitGuardian Blog.

Why does it matter?




v-html being used here

v-html being used here

v-html being used here

v-html being used here

Note: The space is evolving quickly, and we do our best to keep information on our competitors up to date. If you see any outdated information, contact us and we will immediately set the record straight!

How do users like you rate us?

Users rate GitGuardian high on these categories on review sites like PeerSpot, G2, and Capterra.

Ease of Use • 4.6 stars

Customer Service • 4.6 stars

Value for Money • 4.6 stars

Ease of Use • 8.9

Quality of Support • 9.0

Ease of setup • 9.3

The top five reasons why users prefer GitGuardian over Cycode

While Cycode is a great platform, GitGuardian offers superior detection capabilities, collaboration with developers, automated playbooks, and exceptional support, making it the better option for big enterprises.

GitGuardian's detection capabilities outshine those of Cycode in several ways. GitGuardian supports over %ndet% types of secrets with high accuracy levels compared to Cycode's fewer detectors.

GitGuardian also has the ability to check the validity of keys before raising an alert, which Cycode does not offer. We have 14 sensitive file extensions and 22 sensitive file names that raise policy break alerts, further improving the platform's detection capabilities. Additionally, the engine performs a contextual code analysis to filter out false positives.

Say goodbye to alert fatigue with GitGuardian! The platform's specific detectors have an impressive %sdtpr%% true positive rate, while generic detectors offer around %gdtpr%% true positives. GitGuardian also regroups multiple occurrences of secrets exposed across files and repositories into a single incident, simplifying the remediation process.

Collaborating with developers is made easy with GitGuardian, as they can access incidents through a scoped view on the dashboard or a generated external link. This allows for quick and easy incident remediation and feedback.Cycode requires developers to be onboarded onto the platform, as it does not provide any public links for incident access.

GitGuardian's remediation playbooks are a powerful feature that can make life easier for Dev, Sec, and Ops teams. Playbooks like sharing incidents with involved developers, collecting feedback, and closing incidents when they are re-checked as invalid can be automated, saving teams valuable time and resources. With default remediation guidelines and the ability to create custom guidelines, teams can tailor their workflows to meet their specific needs.

Cycode doesn't provide feedback collection or default and custom remediation guidelines, making it challenging to manage remediation efforts.

GitGuardian is committed to providing exceptional support to its customers throughout the rollout phase. The platform offers comprehensive onboarding packages free of charge, which may extend for several months if needed.

Our customer success team will be with you every step of the way, from setting up check-ins to walking you through the platform's setup. DevRel lunch and learn sessions are also available to ensure that every member of your team is comfortable and confident in using GitGuardian.

GitGuardian is the #1 security application on the GitHub Marketplace

Trusted by security leaders
at the world’s biggest companies

Learn how Jon-Erik and his team saved over 200 hours of manual review

The solution has significantly reduced our mean time to remediation, by three or four months. We wouldn't know about it until we did our quarterly or semi-annual review for secrets and scan for secrets.

Jon-Erik Schneiderhan, Senior Site Reliability Engineer at a computer software company with 501-1,000 employees

Read the case study

Want to see the difference for yourself?

And keep your secrets out of sight