⭐ Our annual flagship research on secrets in public GitHub "The State of Secrets Sprawl 2025" is live!


⭐ Our annual flagship research on secrets in public GitHub "The State of Secrets Sprawl 2025" is live!


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Secrets Manager Quiz

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Managing Secrets Security at any Scale

Take our short quiz to discover your next steps towards securing your secrets.

GitGuardian has worked with customers on their path to Secrets Management Maturity, we have identified some common stages teams go through as they move from early-stage prototyping to large, complex organizations.

Our short quiz will reveal what form of secrets management is warranted throughout a company's growth. While we think in a perfect world, everyone would use an enterprise secrets management platform; the reality is your security needs change as you grow.

We hope our questionnaire will help you find your path along the Secrets Management Maturity Model.

Secrets Management Needs Questionnaire

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Recommended Secret Management Solution


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Learn More

There is no single, always best way to store credentials across all organizations. There is, however, an absolute worst way to store them. Never write your secrets as plaintext inside your code, configuration, or communication platforms. If you can read it just by opening a file or looking in the right channel, then anyone else who gains access can as well.

This questionnaire is intended to help you find your way towards a more secure enterprise, no matter where you are on that path. We encourage you to look at the other options presented and use this as a roadmap to securing all your secrets in the most effective and efficient way possible.

.ENV Files

 .ENV Files

Using environment variables stored in properly utilized .env files is a convenient way to store secrets instead of writing them directly into your code. It is one of the quickest and easiest ways to add a layer of protection to your projects without adding additional costs.

In this approach, all needed credentials are stored outside of version control in a special file named `.env`. Instead of hardcoding the credentials inside the code, they are called programmatically. This is a great way to start projects locally, where lots of code changes and experimentation are needed. However, when managing multiple projects, relying solely on `.env` files can become complex to manage manually and it is impossible to track usage or access.


  • Low cost.
  • Low complexity.
  • Easy for developers.


  • Plaintext secrets are in a file that might get checked into source control or otherwise might be leaked.
  • Requires an external mechanism to share any needed credentials in a safe way between developers and operations.
  • No policy enforcement.
  • No audit logs (who accessed which secret and when)
  • No central reporting is possible.



SOPS stands for Secrets OPerationS. It is free and open software released by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation that encrypts/decrypts text files "automagically." We are listing this here not as a stand-alone solution but as a great way to add security to `.env` files without incurring additional costs. This approach does come with some overhead, as all users must have the software installed and agree on an encryption algorithm.

When used in conjunction with .env files, all needed credentials are called programmatically from the file and not added as plaintext into the code, and SOPS unencrypts the secret just in time. While a lot safer than storing plaintext credentials anyone can read, this approach introduces the issue of managing an encryption key across the team.


  • Low cost.
  • Secrets are encrypted at rest.
  • Easier to sync secrets across internal teams securely.


  • The added complexity of securely managing an encryption key.
  • No policy enforcement.
  • No audit logs (who accessed which secret and when).
  • No central reporting is possible.


Cloud Provider Secret Management Tooling

Almost all cloud-based platforms provide some form of built-in secrets management tooling. This approach lets you add your needed credentials directly to the platform where they will be used and invoke them as environmental variables from within your applications. The platform will encrypt and store the secrets safely, removing the complexity of managing encryption keys yourself.

This approach also lets you audit the addition and removal of secrets over time, but it does assume that everyone is bought into this approach, which is harder to enforce.

Using built-in secret managers is straightforward for smaller applications and if all your applications are built upon the same cloud services. For example, if you only use AWS for all your projects, then it makes sense to standardize on AWS Secrets Manager to handle your credentials. If you have very large applications requiring multiple external services or your applications span multiple cloud providers, this approach can add the complexity of remembering where each credential is stored and makes reporting more complex.


  • Typically included at no additional costs on most major platforms.
  • The service handles encryption and decryption.
  • Easy to leverage in code through environment variables.
  • Can audit and report on each platform. 


  • No policy enforcement.
  • Auditing becomes much harder if you move to multi-cloud deployments. 


Self-Managed Vault Solution

Managing your own secrets vault system makes a lot of sense if you have secrets spread among multiple cloud providers or have deployed your applications across cloud-native and on-premises infrastructure. A vault solution will let you store your secrets securely in an encrypted database and retrieve them at run time by calling the service from within the code. Since it works across any service or platform, it is an ideal way to organize secrets across teams and complex projects.

The downside to any self-managed solution is that it brings the overhead of running the infrastructure yourself, which will take additional time and resources. While community support is available, many of these projects are open source or free and offer no official support channels. This approach also requires some specialized knowledge to set up these systems correctly and securely.

An unexpected complexity can arise from multiple teams setting up their systems, making it much harder to audit secrets management across the whole organization.


  • Multiple free and open-source solutions are available.
  • Easy to leverage in code through environment variables.
  • Can audit and report on each platform.


  • The setup and maintenance of these systems carries a cost.
  • Possibility of multiple vault systems across diverging projects. 
  • Auditing becomes much harder if teams have set up multiple instances or solutions for their projects.


Enterprise Secret Management Platform

Enterprise secrets managers provide hosted solutions that can easily integrate with multiple platforms simultaneously. Built into these systems are full auditing and reporting mechanisms to quickly see when secrets were added or rotated, as well as when and where they have been accessed. This approach also makes it much simpler to rotate credentials automatically, on a schedule or on-demand.

From the developer's perspective, a well-adopted enterprise solution makes it easy to know how to handle secrets throughout their code. While there is the possibility of teams being non-compliant, it is less likely they will set up their own competing enterprise solution.

As you might expect, though, enterprise features come with an enterprise price and can get very expensive very quickly. While we would love to see everyone using this level of secrets management, we are recommending it here only for large enterprises that can budget for it.


  • Centrally managed across the enterprise.
  • Easy to leverage in code through environment variables.
  • Can audit and report on each platform. 
  • Auto-rotation of secrets is a standard feature.
  • Straightforward integration for multiple platforms and services.
  • Role Based Access Controls are possible.


  • Enterprise price tag.


We hope you have found value in our quiz and have learned more about how you can manage your secrets at your current position in your security journey. While deploying a secrets management strategy is an essential part of your secrets security maturity, it is also important to see it as just one component needed.

Read our Secrets Management Maturity Model to gain a better understanding of the full path towards addressing the issues of secret sprawl in your organization.

Download Maturity Model Whitepaper