⭐ Our annual flagship research on secrets in public GitHub "The State of Secrets Sprawl 2025" is live!


⭐ Our annual flagship research on secrets in public GitHub "The State of Secrets Sprawl 2025" is live!



Every. Public. GitHub. Commit. Scanned.

GitGuardian monitors GitHub round the clock for your secrets and sensitive data. We catch the leaks, you stop the intrusions.

Get a complimentary audit of your secrets leaks on public GitHub

  • Actionable data.
  • Including key metrics around secrets leaks from your company's developers on public GitHub.
  • Right into your inbox. No sales call needed
Get your copy

Take GitHub threats seriously

90+ Million developers  |  300+ Million repositories

How many of your secrets?

Even if your company doesn't do open source, chances are your developers do. And they may be unintentionally leaking your corporate secrets or source code on their personal GitHub repos - without your knowledge.

Your organization’s sentinel
on public GitHub

Map your attack surface on public GitHub

  • Set up a dynamic perimeter including every developer related to your organization.
  • Monitor all your developers’ public activity, even on personal GitHub repositories.
  • Track keywords specific to your organization (e.g project names, IP addresses…).

Find all your leaks past, present and future

  • View up to three years of history of your organization’s secrets leaks.
  • Never miss a leak again with %ndet%+ secrets detectors.
  • Stay focused and reduce alert fatigue with a %sdtpr%% True Positive Rate.
  • Expose zombie leaks accessible from GitHub Cached Views

Be the first to arrive and last to leave

  • Bring your alerts to your favorite SIEMs and ITSMs.
  • Assign, acknowledge, and resolve incidents in their order of severity.

Collaborate with developers and remediate in hours, not days

  • Alert developers in your perimeter when they leak a secret.
  • Collect feedback from developers involved in your incidents.

We monitor GitHub in real-time
so you don’t have to.

Trusted by security leaders and enterprises worldwide

GitGuardian has absolutely supported our shift-left strategy. We want all of our security tools to be at the source code level and preferably running immediately upon commit. GitGuardian supports that. We get a lot of information on every secret that gets committed, so we know the full history of a secret.

Product features

Find out how GitGuardian keeps your organization safe from GitHub threats

Organization repositories monitoring

Monitor the official public repositories listed under your GitHub organization.

Developers’ personal repositories monitoring

Monitor developers’ personal public repositories – this is where 80% of corporate credentials are leaked on public GitHub. GitGuardian identifies under-the-radar activity by automatically linking developers, public commits, and repositories you may be unaware of to your organization’s dynamic perimeter.

Exposing dangerous blind spots

Identify secrets within commits supposedly deleted, but still visible within GitHub network of forks.

Specific detectors

GitGuardian's specific detectors support 350+ API providers, database connection strings, SMTP credentials, certificates...

Generic detectors

Capture JWT secrets. Bearer tokens, username/password pairs, and all types of high-entropy patterns not covered by specific detectors with GitGuardian's "Paranoïd mode".

High precision detection

Reduce alert fatigue with a 91% True Positive Rate (TPR) and the grouping of multiple instances of the same incident in one alert.

GitGuardian performs contextual analysis of the surrounding code to discard false positives and weak matches. When possible, GitGuardian also checks the validity of the detected secrets with non-intrusive HTTP calls to the host.

Keyword match

Track keywords on public GitHub to look for your organization’s internal project names, reserved IP addresses range, domain names, or any other type of sensitive data.

Explore – GitHub search

Use Explore, GitGuardian’s search engine to scour more than 12 billion documents on public GitHub for sensitive data. Save your queries in your library and schedule periodic runs.

Real-time alerting

GitGuardian’s Mean-Time-To-Detect is a few seconds after the secret is publicly exposed.

Developer alerting

Developers are at the forefront of the issue of secrets leaks. GitGuardian alerts the developers involved in the incidents alongside your Security team.


Connect GitGuardian to your SIEM, ITSM, ticketing systems, messaging apps or configure your own webhooks.

Incident severity assignment

Start from templates and create custom rules to automate incident severity assignment.

Incident prioritization

Explore and triage your incidents with key context information: secret type, location (repository and files), incident severity, number of occurrences, live presence on GitHub, secret validity.

Developer feedback collection

Generate unique links to collect developer feedback on incidents. Harness the involved developers’ knowledge to understand the nature of the incident and its potential impact on your company or client systems.

Programmatic incident handling

Manage incidents programmatically with a REST API.


Single Sign-On functionality, compatible with any SAML 2.0 provider.

Audit logs

Browse detailed activity logs of all actions triggered on the dashboard or through GitGuardian’s REST API.

Roles and permissions

Control user permissions in the GitGuardian dashboard with "Admin" and "Member" roles.






Own your organization’s security on public GitHub

And keep your secrets out of sight