DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


It enables us to remediate issues as they happen in near real-time

"It enables us to identify leaks that happened in the past and remediate current leaks as they happen in near real-time. When I say "near real-time," I mean within minutes. These are industry-leading remediation timelines for credential leaks. Previously, it might have taken companies years to get credentials detected or remediated. We can do it in minutes."


George Jenkins

Application Security Engineer

Software vendor currently using GitGuardian Public Monitoring


George Jenkins

Application Security Engineer

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What is most valuable?

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What is our primary use case?

GitGuardian Internal Monitoring is a tool we use to deal with internal credential leaks. We found that our development teams included sensitive credentials in merge requests with concerning frequency in the early days of our startup.

We have 45 GitGuardian users. Most are developers or engineering managers, and a few are security team members. Our development team is much larger than our security team, so GitGuardian's ability to pull developers in and turn them into security analysts is quite helpful. GitGuardian notifies developers of the credential leak they created and lets them take the appropriate steps to remediate it. That's preferable to having our limited security team take care of it for them.

How has it helped my organization?

GitGuardian has improved our visibility, which is crucial for a startup with a small security team. The ability to automate detection and response for credential leaks is massive. We're an early-stage startup that is moving extremely quickly. When you're moving fast, you might ignore your code's structure and security.

Periodically, a developer would accidentally leak a key or short-circuit some logic on their machine, which led to credential leaks throughout the code base. GitGuardian helped us handle the technical debts of moving extremely quickly.

It enables us to identify leaks that happened in the past and remediate current leaks as they happen in near real-time. When I say "near real-time," I mean within minutes. These are industry-leading remediation timelines for credential leaks. Previously, it might have taken companies years to get credentials detected or remediated. We can do it in minutes.

GitGuardian is crucial for our shift-left strategy. We use GitLab because of our choice of SCM providers. It doesn't support pre-commit hooks on the server side. When deployed through developers, pre-commit hooks require the developers to opt-in and actually use them.

Although we could potentially prevent secrets from ever reaching the remote, it's notable from a technical aspect. We must detect it as soon as it hits the remote, which is precisely what GitGuardian does. I understand there is a way to do pre-commit hooks with GitHub, and I think there is also one self-hosted on GitLab. It's a third-party technical issue for us. Given our choice of SCM providers, we push it as far left as possible.

I spend a lot less time triaging reports about potentially detected credentials. Once things are pushed to GitHub or GitLab, they are difficult to remove. It's useful to prove that to the developer and hold them accountable for timely remediation. If we find something in a repository, we notify the entire team and ensure that multiple team members are available to remedy any issues. It keeps everybody on the team aware of this problem and helps us work toward safer development practices.

We aren't using the playbooks extensively. I think only one or two people use them. The playbook I'm currently using notifies the developer duplicated in the credential leak. That one is useful. The ability to automatically grant access to the developer involved in the incidents is helpful because it eliminates a step needed for a security team member to act. We also have the resolved incidents playbook enabled. When we have credentials from a third-party source like AWS that are remediated outside the platform, the incident is automatically closed for us. That saves the security analyst the hassle of tracking down a user and closing an incident.

It reduces work for the security team because they don't need to reach out to a user to ask them about the risk of a particular credential being in source control. They don't need to track remediation through a third-party tool. We no longer have to take these steps because we can deal with the incident directly.

GitGuardian increased security team productivity relative to our open-source detection tools. While we benefited from using those tools, the false positive rate was too high to be viable for us long term. With GitGuardian, our false positive rate is nearly zero.

We're only spending about a minute on each incident now, and the time saved scales up depending on the number of incidents. The development teams are aware of this tool, which notifies them when credentials are leaked, so they are much more conscientious about it. Leaks are becoming rarer because GitGuardian shaped developer behavior, saving the development and security teams time. It's difficult to quantify precisely how much time is saved because the number of incidents has been reduced over time. GitGuardian is more of a trusted watchman than an incident response tool.

Although developers are familiar with the operational side of Git, they're not as aware of how pervasive credential leaks are once they reach a remote. It's crucial to be mindful of the risk of a valid credential leak and a generalized knowledge about what happens to a commit once it hits GitHub or GitLab. Secret detection must occur as early as possible in the development pipeline as an insurance measure.

Before I joined the company, the mean time for remediation was from weeks to months. I've heard that it has been a pervasive problem in the industry. GitGuardian can scan the entire repo and see the backlog of unhandled credentials. This was an immediate benefit of the tool. Now that we have paid off the debt of having credentials in source code, it acts as a monitoring tool. We are jumping on that incident as soon as we are notified. It takes less than a minute for us to get in there and understand the potential scope of a credential leak. Getting a developer looped in takes a few additional minutes and deciding on the resolution takes a few extra minutes. In some cases, we've reduced the resolution time to a few minutes from months or years.

What is most valuable?

I previously worked with open source secret detection solutions and found the efficacy of those tools to be highly suspect. We tried some off-the-shelf tools and found that they had massive amounts of false positives. I like that GitGuardian is highly accurate. It finds legitimate credential leaks 99 percent of the time. A low footprint of false positives means we can use the tool effectively.

The false positive rate is near zero, which sets GitGuardian apart from other solutions. I've worked with open source tooling that had extremely high false positive rates. When using your credential schemes as a security company, you must be careful about how you use them. They exist in a manner that isn't documented, such as a third-party credential. Generic secret detection for high entry protection is essential.

The reports we got from the solutions we used before GitGuardian were almost unusable. The noise-to-signal ratio was far too great. Now, I get maybe one report a week containing an incident that we need to investigate. There aren't any incorrect findings. It will be a credential or a testing credential that we can ignore.

We had concerns about the historical aspects when we implemented GitGuardian because we have a massive repo that about 50 developers are using simultaneously. It's three years old, so it contains a lot of data, and we had issues with some scans timing out. However, we contacted GitGuardian's support, and they loosened some restrictions. We've had no problems since then.

GitGuardian discovered some credentials we didn't know existed for services that haven't been documented anywhere. It helps to prioritize remediation by testing credentials for validity. If I have a potential leak of an AWS key or an access key, it can tell me whether those are valid. It makes a lot of difference.

We've integrated GitGuardian into multiple notification channels for redundancy. For example, I am generally on Slack, and we get a Slack message from a webhook we've set up for GitGuardian. It will tell me precisely what the credential is and where it was leaked.

When I click on it, it takes me directly to the finding within the platform. I can see the validity and history of the leak. Sometimes, developers leave it in their commit history but haven't pushed code to the remote for a long time. It will be embedded in the commit history. Maybe they've removed it so that it wouldn't be readily detectable at that point. At the same time, the validity of the secret determines our next steps for remediation. It could be used for developer education, or we may need to shift the team into incident response mode and resolve the issue as soon as possible.

What needs improvement?

I'm interested in their new product features. Honeytokens are something we deployed when it was an open source project. Now that is integrated into the platform. It's in beta right now, and they're branching out into additional vulnerabilities.

For how long have I used the solution?

We've used GitGuardian for more than a year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I haven't had any problems with GitGuardian.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We're throwing a lot at GitGuardian. A monorepo with around 50 developers and three and a half years of development in it is no small feat for it to handle. It handles the task wonderfully.

How are customer service and support?

I rate GitGuardian's support a nine out of ten. I've called them a few times, and they resolved all my issues in one working day. They do everything they can. Support engineers are responsive, knowledgeable, present, polite, and helpful.

However, other solutions have a live chat feature that provides instant results. Waiting for an agent to reply to an email is less ideal than an instant conversation with a support employee. That's a complaint so minor I almost hesitate to mention it.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We were trying various open source solutions when we bought GitGuardian. There was maybe one other well-regarded commercial option, but it was technically incompatible.

How was the initial setup?

GitGuardian doesn't require much preparation other than setting up a GitLab credential. I would like to have some integration that enabled us to provision users automatically ahead of time. We use SAML, so developers are able to SSO into the tool but can't link the developer to an incident if they don't already have access to the platform.

It doesn't require much maintenance. Sometimes, we have reports that have been deprecated and are no longer valid. I will go and remove them. Otherwise, it doesn't require any consistent maintenance.

What about the implementation team?

What was our ROI?

The main return on investment is reduced time spent investigating historical credential leaks. That was a large upfront return that we saw immediately after allowing GitGuardian to scan our repositories. We hook it up, let it do its thing, and stay out of the way until something bad happens. I don't have to spend time messing with CI/CD pipeline or onboarding new repos and developers. Everything happens natively within the platform.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing is reasonable. GitGuardian is one of the most recent security tools we've adopted. When it came time to renew it, there was no doubt about it. It is licensed per developer, so it scales nicely with the number of repositories that we have. We can create new repositories and break up work. It isn't scaling based on the amount of data it's consuming.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We deployed a few open source solutions into our CI/CD pipelines, but we were underwhelmed with the results. Ultimately, we selected GitGuardian for its accuracy and collaborative features. We also like the built-in validity checks and all the other options we didn't have when we were deploying tools directly into our CI/CD. It's a night-and-day difference between the pain of dealing with an open source solution and the joy of dealing with a full-fledged operational platform like GitGuardian.

What other advice do I have?

I rate GitGuardian Internal Monitoring a ten out of ten. GitGuardian is my favorite security tool. It is a joy to use and so effective. I highly recommend trying GitGuardian. It's easy to set up and provides extremely accurate results. If I could only pick one tool for application security, this would be it.

The biggest lesson I've learned using GitGuardian is just how many credentials make it into source control. It is much more frequent than I would've ever believed.

I'm not immune as a developer. I've accidentally committed credentials and tried to remove them with limited success. GitGuardian is a platform that pushes the envelope on detection and response. It has become one of the cornerstones of any application security program.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?