DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


CodeSecDays Virtual 2024

Secure Your Code, Secure Your Future

CodeSecDays Virtual is here to deepen your understanding of code security. Join GitGuardian, Snyk, Docker, CyberArk, Chainguard, CircleCI and more for a full-day exploration of cutting-edge DevSecOps solutions!

Dive deep into key topics such as generative AI, application security posture management, container security, secrets security, open-source security, and more. Our lineup of industry experts will guide you through insightful discussions and practical sessions to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to safeguard your code and the underlying software delivery pipeline.

Register now to reserve your spot on Wednesday, June 26, and embark on a journey to fortify your code and shape the future of secure software delivery!

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Jun 26, 2024 - Jun 26, 2024


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