DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


Customize Your Automated Incident Severity Scoring Rules In GitGuardian

Now with custom severity rules, you can automate how GitGuardian labels the criticality of each incident. Fine-tune the pre-built scoring definitions and add your own custom rules that help your team with your particular requirements.  

Video Transcript

GitGuardian has always made it easy  to triage secret leak incidents, Now with custom severity rules, you can automate how GitGuardian labels  the criticality of each incident. GitGuardian provides 15 preconfigured severity  scoring rules that workspace managers can activate through Settings and the Secret Detection menu. These rules define specific conditions where you would most likey want to set the  severity to Critical, High, or just info. But we realize that nobody knows what's  more important to your organization than your organization, which is why we have  made these predefined rules customizable. Now you can fine-tune which  conditions set which severity scores! You can also add custom rules that help your team  with your particular requirements and situation. Want to automatically score  certain types of credentials as higher severity if they are in  a default branch? You can do that. How about giving all incidents with  invalid credentials in a test folder a severity of low? If it makes sense for your  needs, it's straightforward to configure. You have the power to tailor automatic  severity rules to match how you prefer to work. It is just one more way GitGuardian makes it easy  for customers to manage the remediation process.