DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


GitGuardian Protects Teams From Closing Incidents With Valid Secrets

GitGuardian helps cybersecurity teams work smarter and safer by preventing incidents with detected valid secrets from being accidentally resolved. It improves secrets management posture and offers a free platform for secrets detection and remediation.

Video Transcript

get Guardian put safeguards in place in order to help busy cyber security teams work smarter and safer such as preventing incidents with detected valid secrets from being accidentally resolved dealing with any number of security incidents is already hard but if you're dealing with a lot of them it gets confusing and fast we're all human and sometimes we need some guardrails to help make sure we're staying safe especially when we're in the middle of an incident response the get Guardian platform helps teams triage credential leakage incidents by automatically testing the most common types of secrets to see if they're valid from AWS to Google and twilio to zoom for nearly 200 platforms we will automatically check if the credential still works or if they're already invalid only when the platform is sure a key is invalid can the related incident be safely resolved just one more way git Guardian can help you improve your secrets management posture