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Particle Physicists Explains - ChatGPT will change our applications forever

‘Otterize CPO and Particle Physicist Uri Sarid explains how ChatGPT will change the internet from how our applications connect and communicate all the way to how we market our products.

Video Transcript

um one thing is just to clarify as far as sort of bleeding edge right I think there are tremendous numbers of technologies that uh you can call them on the bleeding edge you know I used to be particle theorists and as a particle theorist uh it's a very snobby approach that oh all the stuff that they call technology wow you know that's just engineering right we are we are doing the real Cutting Edge but the reality is that until it gets to engineering until it gets to something you can do something with it's just a bunch of academic papers so I'm not talking about technology that's sitting in academic papers I'm talking about something that actually is going to change our world um and that's what I consider sort of the important bleeding edge uh and that's where I I pay my my attention so I do think that in intent based programming in general changes our world is necessary and similarly I think that that chat GPT has shown us that AI has reached a point where it will actually change our world it's no longer for playing chess uh it's really going to change the way that that we're going to interact they even wrote A Blog about it on the on the authorized luck um and the way that I think that it's going to change things is that um the way that people do things whether it's devops or whether it's buying online or anything like that will be through agents rather than directly um that's I think what's different right now we're talking about you know writing emails through agents right through through chat Bots and so on um and I'm not talking about voice spots that has almost nothing to do with this this is Bots that actually have some level of intelligence and can actually do something not just understand the words you say um so in that world if everybody is acting through Bots you for example Market to bots you don't Market to people because the Bots are the ones that are going to recommend to the people what to do well wait who's right who's doing not a search engine optimization but a bot optimization marketing platform I don't know of anybody who's doing that similarly who is opening up apis that Bots can consume versus that developers can consume I don't know of anybody that's doing that so I'm just saying I think we're going to go through a tremendous amount of change societal change because the target is now the Bots not necessarily the people the Bots are the intermediaries and it's in that world it's in that sense that I think all our lives are going to change as a result of this and things like intent based access controls will just be another manifestation where you figure out the intent maybe a little bit more automatically by looking at pattern recognition so developers don't have to declare their intents and then the access controls kind of flow through them