GitGuardian is making itĀ
easier and safer than ever to gather feedback about secret leakage incidents. We have added a feedback form directly to theĀ
GitGuardian dashboard incident detail view, allowing your team to provideĀ
more info about the incident, including confirming if it's an actualĀ
secret, if it gives access to any sensitive info, if it has been revoked,Ā
as well as any other relevant details. When you look at the Detail View of any incident,Ā
you will see a Share button towards the top. Clicking it will open a modal to grant access to the incident to anyone insideĀ
or outside fo your workspace. Search for individual workspace members or entireĀ
teams, granting access to the right user or users. You can also toggle how much access to grant,
from Full Access which allows teammates to share, resolve, ignore or comment on the incident,Ā
down to only the ability to view the incident. If needed, you can also share the event publiclyĀ
via a temporary link, giving anyone outside of your workspace the ability to give feedbackĀ
or even resolve or ignore the incident. Be careful how you share this link, though, as anyone with the link will be able toĀ
see the secret and details about your repo. No matter how you choose to gatherĀ
feedback from your team about an incident, GitGuardian makes it easy toĀ
manage the remediation process.