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Avoid Mobile Application Security Pitfalls by GartnerĀ®

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Mobile applications are increasingly sources of financial loss and breaches for organizations. Security and risk management leaders must follow mobile best practices to avoid data leakage from mobile devices and attacks on infrastructure.

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Mobile applications are increasingly sources of financial loss and breaches for organizations. Security and risk management leaders must follow mobile best practices to avoid data leakage from mobile devices and attacks on infrastructure.

Download the comprehensive Gartner report to stay ahead of emerging threats and ensure your mobile apps remain secure.

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Trusted by security leaders at the worldā€™s largest companies


Main Risks for Your Mobile Applications

Sensitive Data Loss: Inadequate app protection can lead to attackers accessing sensitive data like payment credentials and intellectual property.

Exposure of Infrastructure: Mobile apps require backend communication, exposing internal resources like APIs or databases, potentially leading to attacks.

Financial Loss: Financial and retail apps are particularly vulnerable to attacks like repackaging, SMS grabbing, script injection, and overlay attacks.

Compliance: Noncompliance with regulations like GDPR and PSD2 can result in fines.

Gartner's Best Practices: do NOT Hardcode Credentials

Among other recommended techniques, Gartner experts suggest ensuring that you're not hardcoding credentials like third-party APIs. Left in the app when it goes into production, they can be exploited by attackers to steal data or misuse

Read more on How to Handle Mobile App Secrets

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